Monday, April 1, 2013

Do One Simple Beauty Ritual Every Day

Hello Divas!!

It can look like it takes a lot of work to look great every day and sometimes it does. But you can make your beauty routine take a little less work if you take the time to do one simple beauty ritual every day.

Divas have great looking teeth and one of the easiest ways to get that look is to whiten your teeth. I personally use Crest Whitestrips every year to whiten my teeth and the results last all year long.

I get the strips a few months before my birthday in July and I apply them every other day until the box is used up. I get beautifully whiter teeth for only a few minutes every day and then I don't have to think about it for the rest of the year.

One thing I do EVERY day is to make sure my face is clean before I go to bed. Even if I have been lying around in bed all day (and took a shower in the morning) and don't shower before bed I will wash my face before I hit the sheets.

I also make sure to MOISTURIZE before going to sleep so that my face stays nice and moist while I sleep. This allows for deep penetration of all the skin goodies in my face cream and I wake up with dewy, moist skin.

I have horrible, flat nails that break and do not grow at all. I do not wear fake nails and since nail polish seems to flake off my nails in two days I opt for clear polish.

I make sure to reapply my nail polish every three days and completely take it off on the weekends to allow my nails a time to rest.


.. said...

Mhm! I'm very pedantic when it comes to my teeth, they have to be clean!

Me too! cleaning my face is a MUST before bed. Once I come home I can't wait to scrub my make up off.

Diva In Training said...

Thanks for stopping by honey....a clean face makes it easier to look great all the time!!!!