The Dough Roller presents Balance Transfer Smackdown: 0% for 6 Months vs. 3.99% for 12 Months posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "Your take: What is the best offer--0% balance transfer for 6 months or 3.99% for 12?"
Patrick @ Cash Money Life presents Unexpected Ways Having a Baby Changed Our Budget posted at Cash Money Life, saying, "Having a baby changes your budget in many ways - some of which are unexpected and difficult to plan for."
Patrick @ Military Money presents Cash for Clunkers Information posted at Military Finance Network, saying, "The Cash for Clunkers program offers a $3,500 or $4,500 rebate on eligible trade-ins, which can save consumers several thousand dollars on a new vehicle."
Patrick @ Money Saving Deals presents Free Smoothie From Jamba Juice posted atCash Money Life Deals, saying, "Buy one Smoothie, get one smoothie free at Jamba Juice."
Silicon Valley Blogger presents myFICO To Drop Experian Credit Score and Report: One Less FICO Score posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Experian is now serving up proprietary scores rather than FICO scores. Here are some of my thoughts on this."
Miss M presents A Note to the 20-Somethings posted at M is for Money.
Flea presents Getting Out Of Debt posted at Be A Survivor.
Ben Dinsmore presents How to Get the Book Inexpensive Family Vacations posted atTrees Full of Money, saying, "This is the technique I use to ensure I get the best deal when booking travel online!"
The Smarter Wallet presents Best High Yield Savings Accounts posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, "Thanks!"
Banker Saver presents Sneaky Bank Fees: How To Avoid Those Extra Charges posted at Banker Saver, saying, "Thanks you for hosting."
Matt Jabs presents The Whole Armor of Personal Finance posted at Debt Free Adventure!, saying, "Ephesians 6:10-18 outlines a powerful and encouraging passage of scripture that deals with The Whole Armor of God. In it Paul reminds the reader that the Christian battle is not one of flesh and blood, but of principalities, powers, the rulers of this world, and wickedness in high places. I CANNOT help but read this and liken it to our battle against debt, advertising, wantonness, and the war to gain control over our personal finances."
Investing Toolkit presents What’s A Stock Market Index? posted at Investing Toolkit, saying, "Hope to join your carnival!"
Ray @ Financial Highway presents Discount Brokers: 5 Tips to Choose the Best Discount Broker posted at Financial Highway, saying, "Tips on how to find the best discount broker"
Investing School presents What is Forex? posted at Investing School, saying, "Forex refers to currency exchange and here's more explanation of it."
Ray presents How To Win The Lottery posted at Money Blue Book.
Mr Credit Card presents American Express Gift Cards Review posted at Ask Mr Credit Card.
Miss Bankrupt presents My Deadbeat Television posted at Miss Bankrupt.
Jae Jun presents 2009 Top 40 Best Stocks to Retire On: Part 4 | Old School Valueposted at Old School Value, saying, "Analyzed all 40 of Fortune's Best Stocks to Retire on list of 2009. View the results now."
Madison presents How to Survive and Thrive During a Recession posted at My Dollar Plan.
Anthony Samuel presents Chase Home Finance and the Hair of the Dog that Bit Themposted at Personal Finance Analyst.
kathryn presents Easy Ways to Slash Bank Fees posted at Out of Debt Christian, saying, "Bank fees continue to go higher and higher, which means that avoiding them is more important than ever! With fees deducted directly from your account, it can be tough to notice that may have been charged hundreds of dollars per year just for the privilege of using your own money! Fortunately, you can cut these fees to nearly zero by taking just a few easy steps:"
Sun presents Tips for Embracing Green Frugality posted at The Sun’s Financial Diary.
I love this easy to use product that comes off easily.Luke Marriott presents Saving to Travel Around The World posted at The Travellers Journey, saying, "My tis on saving to travel the world, its just about not spending really. Many thanks, Luke."
johnny lokin presents How Retail Security Systems Can Protect Your Business posted at Retail Security Systems.
Sam presents New !! Prenup !! Should I Sign a Prenuptial Agreement? Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement? posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "Thanks for including my article. Here's an excerpt... Should I Sign a Prenuptial Agreement When Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement Sometime before the wedding, your loved one may bring up the issue of a prenuptial agreement. Don't panic. You've heard about prenuptial agreements. Donald and Ivana Trump had one. Liz Taylor and construction worker Larry Fortensky had one. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have one. Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman have one. A prenuptial agreement, also called a prenup, is a way to protect your interests if it becomes time to untie the knot. "I think prenups are brilliant. I get taken care of very well." Catherine Zeta-Jones, who married Michael Douglas with a prenup But prenups are not just for celebrities. If the two of you are young and are starting out with just the shirts on your backs, you probably don't need a prenuptial agreement. But if you have property, investments, a partnership interest or a business of your own, a prenuptial agreement is valuable. It is important to talk this out ahead of time so you are both comfortable with the arrangements."
Handy Saputra presents Mortgage Brokers - Finding The Right One posted at Home Loan | Mortgage Resources, saying, "A good mortgage consultant is something each wannabe home-owner or experienced property financier wants to have on their side. There's no lack of brokers out there and they come in all sizes and shapes with diverse personalities."
oneadvice presents Assets in Bankruptcy posted at One Advice, saying, "Declaring bankruptcy means that you will no longer have control over your assets. Know your rights before declaring bankruptcy..."
Allison Johanson presents Why Everything You’ve Heard About Leveraged ETFs Is Wrong posted at ETFdb.
Barry presents Does It Make Sense To Use Home Equity To Invest? posted atAssociate Money.
Jack Schmidt presents The Meaning of Wealth posted at SectorMatic Money Journal, saying, "SectorMatic Money Site - Personal Finance | Everything for the Big Spender on a Budget! Now you can live like a fat cat, even if you're on a momey diet. Laugh all the way to the bank with Jack Schmidt and SectorMatic Money Site. It's for you!"
Alvina Lopez presents 100 Best Personal Finance Blogs for Recent College Grads – Online Degree Top Online Degrees posted at Online Degree
Mike smmrs johnson presents Trading System Intro posted at System Trading | Stocks Trading Systems, saying, "A good trading system is about much more than just selecting stocks. Certainly that is important as well. However, a good trading system will provide the ability for you to protect against losses, manage your money, add proper leverage when necessary, and also select a stock selection maximizing your reward and minimizing your risk."
presents List of Auto Insurance Companies posted at Home Life Weekly, saying, "Save money with this great list of Auto insurance companies to help find the best quotes together with customer satisfaction scores. Makes some interesting reading!!"
MoneyNing presents 401k, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Savings Not The Same posted at Money Ning, saying, "When you plan for retirement, do you really look into the tax situation and how it will affect your account balances?"
Tyler Tervooren presents Can You Benefit From Energy Efficiency Rebates? posted atFrugally Green, saying, "Being frugal means being able to look past the initial cost of something to see its long term value. Luckily, our government seems to understand this and is willing to help you with the purchase price of high efficiency appliances and renewable energy systems."
KCLau presents I achieved financial freedom at 38 posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "This post is contributed by WaiYin, a reader whom I admire very much because she achieved financial freedom at age 38! Here, she shares how she did it."
The Frugal New Yorker presents 5 ways to survive during unemployment posted atThe Frugal New Yorker, saying, "How to cover your butt and stay alive after you've lost your job. Part of the "How I Got My (Dream) Job" series."
Handy Saputra presents How To Save More With A Simple Loan Calculator posted atHome Loan | Mortgage Resources, saying, "The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of simple loan calculator resources is certainly no exception."
Super Saver presents Recession Deals Make It Harder to be Frugal posted at My Wealth Builder.
RateNerd presents How to Buy a Home That's Owned by the Bank posted at Rate Nerd, saying, "Due to high foreclosure rates, banks have tons of inventory they want to get off their books. They wont give it away for nothing, and you need to make sure the property has not been stripped to the bone, but bank foreclosed homes for sale are a great deal."
SPF Lotion
SPF Lotion
Always wear a lotion with SPF to protect your skin.
Investing School presents What is Net Working Capital? posted at Investing School, saying, "Net working capital is one of the most important asset to have."
Vahid Chaychi presents Money Management Is the Critical Part of Forex Tradingposted at Forex Signals | Forex Market Analysis | Online Currency Trading Education, saying, "Money management is the most important part of forex trading. Without following the money management rules, forex trading will be nothing but loss."
DoneToZen presents Fees in Traditional IRA posted at Done To Zen, saying, "The funds I hold in my traditional IRA account are front-loaded. For those of you who are happily unaware of what that means (because, hopefully, you don’t have money in such funds), you have to pay money to buy or sell loaded funds; when it’s the former, they are said to have a front-end load and when it’s the latter, it has back-end load. These fees are in addition to operating expenses that you pay every year."
J. Savings presents I Quit My Job And I'm Not Crazy posted at Budgets are Sexy., saying, "Having your own business isn't all rainbows and unicorns but my guest poster wouldn't have it any other way!"
My Journey presents Another Reason to Check your Credit Report – New York Default Judgment Getting Thrown Out posted at My Journey to Millions, saying, "20 somethingers Need to remeber when checking your credit report, also look for judgments!"
Darwin presents How do Stock Options Work? Trade Calls and Puts – Part 1 posted atDarwin's Finance, saying, "Everything you need to know about how stock options work - from generating income to pure speculation, with examples and resources included."
Praveen presents $100 Million Payday for Energy Trader? posted at My Simple Trading System.
jim presents FICO Risk Factor Reason Codes posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Raj Patel presents New Credit Card Interest Rate Rules posted at DebtGoal.
Tyler Metzger presents ATMs dispense problems at hacker conference posted
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of twenty something finances using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: twenty something finances, blog carnival.