I know that you divas care deeply about your hair and if you are Black woman like me then one of your biggest issues is dry hair.
I recently read about using Olive Oil to deep condition your hair and thought I would try it out. I did it last week and I am doing it again right now so I thought I would share my experience with you.
I have used products containing Olive Oil and they still did not give me the results that I got from using plain olive oil on my hair.
This tip works for any kind of hair regardless of race because it works to retain moisture and deliver some protein to the hair shaft.
Step 1.
Get some olive oil. Go into your kitchen and pull out that bottle you have hidden away in the back. Pour some oil into a small container...don't worry, you don't need a lot of it.
Step 2. Apply oil to hair. The first time I did it I just dipped my fingers into the oil and applied to my dry hair. I only wash my hair on Wednesdays and Saturdays and did the treatment on Saturday before washing.
(image from http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/314226-137-16.jpg)
Step 3. Apply plastic cap and heat. I put a cheap plastic shower cap on my hair and then used my hair drier to apply heat for about 5 minutes. The first time I did the treatment I used heat for 5 minutes then watched television for about 30 minutes then applied 3 minutes of heat again before rinsing out.
The second time I squirted a little bit of water into the plastic cap before applying the heat so that I could gain some additional moisture.
Step 4. Rinse, shampoo and condition. After my head cooled off I stepped into the shower to rinse the oil off. I then shampooed and rinsed again. After rinsing out the shampoo my hair immediately felt smoother and softer....before applying any conditioner. I conditioned and air dried and my hair felt great.
Step 5. Dry hair and style. I let my hair air dry and then used a flat iron to straighten it out. My hair felt softer and looked shinier through the whole process than before I used the olive oil. It remained looking and feeling great all last week and I think this is now going to be part of my Saturday routine to looking beautiful.
I have tried hot oil treatments in the past but never got the kind of results that I did with the olive oil in just one use.
I used Bertolli olive oil since that is what I had in the kitchen but you can use the cheaper one as well. Either way, you don't even need a lot of oil as you really only need to apply it to the ends of your hair. If your hair is really dry and shows it then you can even go halfway up the hair shaft as well.
Thanks for the haircare tips! More free beauty secrets on my site, if you want to check it out! :)
I came across this article on google, and just bleaching my hair and putting blue into it days before, this worked greeeat!I love you! thank you so much for this (: I would normally straighten my hair every day as well having semi wavy hair, and now I am not worried about my hair looking as dry as it did. It feels softer and more tame. thank you again.
I am glad that the olive oil treatment worked for you. At first people are scared of it because it just seems like it will be too greasy...but then you realize that your hair is shiny and soft and not greasy at all.
I'm using this right now! I came across this on google too and I'm excited to see te results. it is pretty late now so I'm not sure if I will have time to take a shower O.o can't wait to see the results! thanks again!
I really want to try this but I don't have a shower cap...can i just use a towel??
You could technically just do it with the towel....BUT the towel will be messy from the oil.
If you don't have plastic shower caps use a plastic shopping bag...it comes out the same.
You just need a way to contain the oil so it does not drip down on your clothes and get everything messy.
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